Michael Pon
1 min readDec 29, 2023


It just so happens that the image (Global Migration to cities) touched on a different topic that I have some interest, namely the limits of AI. ChatGPT and DALL-E have been trained on textual and 2D images to such a high level that they can reason within those frameworks for example this by Lessig: ChatGPT, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI. I left response to that effect: https://medium.com/p/b84af455022f

But apparently artificial neural networks (ANNs) are still lacking because they are not fully trained in the function, physical qualities and physical inter-relationships of the depicted items. Basically DALL-E constructed a simple 2-D image from specified items, but did not “take a photo” from a simulated reality. A human artist would imagine a reality and construct the image. Even then, of course, the image can have shading/shadows which are inconsistent with physics etc. Video games do a better job with this.

For now, you are using ChatGPT and DALL-E as tools just as other human artists have used paint and canvas. At what level of training/artificial experience, will the ANNs then be able to imagine a reality such that it can then create a “camera image”? I think it will still be short of becoming an intelligent organism, but it will be very close.



Michael Pon

I’ve been thinking about AI and Natural Intelligence. How do intelligence and consciousness arise naturally? https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelpon/